Zero Waste Revolution constitution
Adopted 18 May 2018
The Zero Waste Revolution purpose is to transform Canberra by sharing knowledge and inspiring change.
Our focus is change with people, households and communities. We are a grass roots organisation.
We inspire. We educate. We facilitate. We are catalysts for change.
The main activities of Zero Waste Revolution are:
Information exchange. We connect people with the knowledge to reduce their waste footprint, in a way most appropriate to them.
Actively inspiring change. We engage with the Canberra community, through public events, advocacy and media.
2. The Zero Waste Revolution values:
Inclusivity through the encouragement of people from all walks of life to reduce their waste and to make a change, no matter how small.
Evidence-based in the information we provide.
Increased connectivity within communities to sustain change.
3. The purpose of this constitution is to establish the Zero Waste Revolution by setting out its’ purpose, main activities, values and operating rules so that a sustainable organisation can flourish.
Who we are
4. We are a member based network. We are a not for profit, non-partisan, community based organisation, established in April 2018.
Management committee
5. Zero Waste Revolution management committee is responsible for all day-to-day operations, including:
Maintaining a member register;
Management of a bank account with at least two signatures required for transactions;
Acceptance of payments;
Expenses related to the day-to-day operation of the Zero Waste Revolution, including the web site’s operation and other administrative costs;
Management of Zero Waste Revolution events;
Establishment and maintenance of the Zero Waste Revolution web site, including information about reducing waste and networking;
Special projects, which may include partnerships that are funded with grants or other contracts.
6. Zero Waste Revolution will provide an annual report to members that includes names of committee members, activities of the Zero Waste Revolution and a financial report.
7. Zero Waste Revolution committee will consist of:
Chair. This role convenes each Management Committee meeting and creating Management Committee meeting agendas. They may act as spokesperson for the organisation.
Deputy Chair. This role steps in for the Chair, if they are not available.
Secretary. This role is responsible for keeping appropriate organisational records. This includes taking a record of Management Committee meeting minutes and action items, then circulating these to the management committee.
Treasurer. This role keeps and provides an auditable record of the Zero Waste Revolution’s finances to the management committee. They are a joint signatory on the bank account with at least one other member from positions a) – c).
Membership Secretary. This role is responsible for maintaining the membership and supporter processes of Zero Waste Revolution.
Quality Assurance Lead. This role is responsible for the integrity of zero waste living approaches that are communicated by Zero Waste Revolution.
Digital media lead. This role includes maintenance of the Zero Waste Revolution web site and all digital communications channels. This role coordinates the production of content. This role works closely with the community engagement lead, including on branding.
Community engagement lead. This role leads and coordinates outreach activities. This role works closely with the digital media lead, including on branding.
Other committee members, as determined by the Committee. For example, technical advisors or liaison with any potential auspice organisation.
8. The Committee may call on technical advisors from time to time.
9. The positions on the Committee may be held by up to 2 individuals.
10. Committee membership is largely determined by a properly constituted meeting of the committee.
11. Selection of committee members will be by nomination. Where only one person’s name is put forward, they will be appointed in the position, unless a quorum of the existing committee decides by simple majority that the nominated person is not appropriate for the position.
12. Where more than one person nominates for a committee member role, Zero Waste Revolution members will determine the result by simple majority vote.
13. The Secretary will be responsible for arranging and announcing the outcome of any vote by the membership.
14. The term of a committee member is two years, unless otherwise agreed.
15. For a Committee meeting a quorum will be four individual committee members (not positions), including at least three of committee members specified in clause 10 a to e.
16. Decisions by the Zero Waste Revolution committee shall be by consensus. Where consensus is not reached within a reasonable timeframe, a simple majority vote, involving all Committee members will be sought.
17. Zero Waste Revolution must agree to appropriate financial procedures to ensure appropriate controls and accountability over funding.
18. The Chair and Treasurer or persons nominated by them will provide a report at each meeting. These reports will provide details of the activity of Zero Waste Revolution and its finances.
19. The Management Committee will review and evaluate this document and the Zero Waste Revolution Constitution at least annually at the Annual General Meeting.
20. Annual General Meetings will be held each year. All current members will be invited to attend the Annual General Meeting.
Ceasing Operations
21. Zero Waste Revolution will cease operation if:
A working Committee cannot be formed, and the membership has been provided with reasonable notice that Zero Waste Revolution will cease to exist if a working committee cannot be formed;
The Committee determines that operations will cease for reasons that might include, low membership or not enough volunteers to run the program.
22. If Zero Waste Revolution ceases operation:
The Zero Waste Revolution Committee, if it exists, will be responsible for overseeing operational aspects of the program’s closure.
All current Zero Waste Revolution members will be consulted on plans for disposal of assets, including cash and assets.
Signed by inaugural members of the Zero Waste Revolution Management Committee:
Deputy Chair
Membership Secretary