July: a month full of trash talk!

July was a month full of talk about plastic. Households, workplaces and schools all around the world have taken on the Plastic Free July challenge. To celebrate the end of this inspiring and challenging month, we wanted to share some of your wins. So, we asked our Instagram followers "What is the zero waste swap you're most proud of?". The most common swap was ditching tampons and pads for menstrual cups and period undies, which is awesome to hear as we know it saves a huge amount of waste from going into landfill. Other responses include opting for loose leaf tea over tea bags, bringing a reusable cup for bubble tea, using natural dental floss, and always carrying reusable cutlery. Well done Canberra!

Beyond Plastic Free July, a lot more has been happening in the world of waste this month. You may have noticed some recent changes around Canberra, as phase one of the ACT's single use plastic ban came into effect at the beginning of the month. This initial phase includes a ban of plastic cutlery, plastic stirrers, and polystyrene food and drink containers. While this may be a pretty big adjustment for local businesses, it's an important step in the right direction for Canberra. Let's do our best as a community to support businesses and organisations to make a hassle-free transition to more sustainable alternatives.

There's been change stirring on a national level, too. In recent years, there has been a whole lot of innovation of new, compostable types of packaging to replace single use plastics. And while this is an important and necessary step in phasing out plastic, it does present some challenges. Many of the biodegradable or compostable products coming into the market can't simply be composted at home, can contaminate recycling, and often end up in landfill. The good news is, Australia is working towards a solution. The new National Compostable Packaging Strategy aims to build a sustainable system for compostable packaging that ensures these products end up having a beneficial use.

plastic ups rubbish eco

Save the date for the 2021 Zero Waste Festival!

The Zero Waste Festival is just six weeks away, and the team here at Zero Waste Revolution have been putting our heads together to bring you an awesome program of speakers and workshops to help you go zero waste! The festival will be held in the aMBUSH Gallery at Kambri, ANU, from 11am - 3pm.

We'll touch on a huge range of topics, from going zero waste at home, to waste-conscious businesses, to collaborating with the community for a zero waste Canberra. You can also learn how to compost at home, see if you're recycling right, and take part in a fun clothes swap!

The festival will be opened by the very talented and ever-inspiring Solli Raphael. At just 16 years old, Solli has already won the Australian Poetry Slam, published two books, founded an environmental organisation and spoken on stages all around the country. He is a unique voice in the zero waste movement, and we can't wait to hear the fresh perspective he will bring to the festival. We're also bringing in amazing local representatives from government, business and the grassroots, to provide a whole-system view of waste in our city.

Check out the full program here. RSVP on Facebook or Eventbrite to let us know you're coming. And don't forget to share it with your friends and family!

Tip of the month!

Want to learn more?

Most of us inherently know that plastic is harmful to people and the planet. But if someone asked you why, could you explain it? We love this 4 minute video called 'The Story of Plastic' that breaks down in simple terms the impact of plastic - from production, to use, to disposal. Next time someone asks you, "So what's the deal with plastic anyway?", you can easily explain it to them, or better yet, send them this video!

Animated short 'The Story of Plastic' by The Story of Stuff Project.

Want to get involved? We need volunteers!

Putting on a festival with many moving parts takes a few helping hands. If you've got a few hours to spare on Saturday 11 September and would like to help out at the Zero Waste Festival, please get in touch. We need volunteers to check people in and work with the organising team to make sure things are running smoothly.

Follow us on social media.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see festival updates, zero waste tips and inspiring waste wins from all over the world.

In solidarity for the planet,

Zero Waste Revolution

Mia Swainson